COVID-19 Closure Announcement
Effective March 16th, 2020 MN BJJ Academy will be Closed to Help Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
At MN BJJ Academy we built our gym on bringing people together as a family and we are committed to protecting this family. We will be doing our small part by closing the gym for a short period to help prevent the spread of the virus and “flatten the curve”. Even though we have had NO suspected cases of Coronavirus at our gym, the health and safety of our students has, and always will be, our top priority. We are expecting to be closed for 2 weeks, reopening on March 30th. We will be sending updates regularly to let our members know what is going on as this a dynamic situation.
We can’t even begin to express to you how difficult this decision was to make. We feel that this is the best decision for our members, our families and our community at large. We are family here at MN BJJ and we are confident that we will get through this together and be stronger for it.
We want to ensure that over this closure, we keep the passion for BJJ alive and we encourage you to continue practicing the art. Professor Marcio will be posting daily drills and exercises that can be performed at home for both Adults and Kids on our social media platforms and website. This will be a great opportunity to introduce BJJ to a family member, or a friends and for many of our family’s that already do BJJ together, to continue that bond. It is important that we keep active while social distancing is taking place, in order to boost our immune systems and keep us mentally strong. Make this a part of your daily routine and your child’s daily routine if you have one.
Everyone stay safe, healthy and vigilant and most importantly we will see you soon, back on the mats! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.